WAI Pong-yu
WAI Pongyu was born in Hainan Island, China in 1982. At the age of 2, he moved to Hong Kong with his parents. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2006. Wai has developed his own oeuvre with ink from ballpoint pen on paper, spinning the thread of his emotion and mind continuously as one line as it multiplies in rhizomatic manner. His subject matter often relates to the notion of the cosmos, time, nature, across the fields of juxtapositions and metaphysical forms. He lives and works in Hong Kong.
Wai’s work has been collected internationally by public museums and institutions including Hong Kong M+, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco and the Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford. Solo exhibitions include ‘Rhythm of Landscape’(2021), ’Moment of Truth - The Synergy of Ink’ (2013) and ‘Ceaseless Lines’ (2009) at Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong. Collaborative project includes ‘Same Line Twice’(2017) with Hung Fai. His works have also been shown at Art Basel (2014 - 2024), Ink Asia (2015 - 2013), Fine Art Asia (2014 - 2023), Asia Week, New York (2015) and SCOPE, New York (2012, 2013).
他的畫作獲香港M+、美國三藩市亞洲藝術博物館及英國牛津大學Ashmolean Museum收藏。2009年、2013年及2021年在嘉圖現代藝術舉辦個人展覽《線子無限》、《墨觀》和《山河變奏》。聯合展覽包括2017年與熊輝的合作計劃《Same Line Twice》。他的作品亦有參與香港巴塞爾藝術展(2014 - 2024)、水墨藝博(2015 - 2019)、典亞藝博(2014 - 2023)、紐約市亞洲藝術慶典(2015)和紐約市Scope(2012、2013)等展覽。
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Moment of Truth – The Synergy of Ink 《墨觀》- Grotto Central
Ceaseless Lines《線于無限》- Grotto Central
Selected Joint Exhibitions
FIne Art Asia 2021 - Grotto Fine Art
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2021 - Grotto Fine Art
FIne Art Asia 2020 - Grotto Fine Art
Selected Works
An elephant's Reverie
WAI Pongyu 韋邦雨
An elephant's Reverie 大象夢語
Ballpoint pen on paper 圓珠筆紙本
244 cm (height) x 144 cm (width) -
In recent years, the many constraints imposed on us seem to have limited our imagination for the future. I would like to see that there are still many areas waiting for us to explore. This optimistic hope grew stronger when I had an encounter, a special moment in my usual mountain walk from my home.
It was a very quiet, sunny afternoon. I walked past a lone pine tree, rooted behind a barbed wire fence. As I was approaching a bamboo thicket across the road, I could see and hear clearly its many bamboo leaves fluttering and rustling. It seemed that the strength of the wind was just enough to move the bamboo leaves, but not any other leaves. And the rhythm of the wind brought a long continuous whisper out of the bamboo leaves. The sound inspired me because it reminded me of the vast space surrounding me, its possibilities, and an ideal of collective vitality.
The murmuring sound recalled how I use line drawing to travel between binary boundaries: ideal and reality, movement and pause, trace and discard. So I would like to think that by using this act of line movement, with the sensitivity of ballpoint pen ink and paper, I could reanimate a sense of ceaseless intimacy between my mind and that moment, my hand and my city.
A Rhythm of Landscape 9
WAI Pongyu 韋邦雨
A Rhythm of Landscape 9 山河變奏 9
Ballpoint pen on paper
57.5cm (height) x 68.4cm (width)