TAM Tak-hei
Born in 1996, TAM Tak-hei graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and studied jewelry and metalsmithing in an exchange program in the US. Metalsmithing and jewelry making are Tam's main art practice. He is interested in spatial relationship and particularly objects that can change the perception of our surroundings. Tam's work thus focuses on space and architectural forms. Instead of creating large scale sculpture, he adores miniature sculptor which captures the essence of forms in the most intimate setting. The artist's works have been exhibited in art spaces in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. He is the recipient of Baptist University's Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) Award and the Gaffa Award for Excellence in Contemporary Jewelry.
譚德熙生於1996年,畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院。他亦曾於美國留學交流,修讀金工課程。他以金工為主要創作媒介,他十分留意周遭空間與物件之間的關係,尤其是空間與建築物的互 動,因此他的作品亦傾向運用空間及建築元素。在他的創作中,他一般會製作小型物件而非大型雕塑。更準確地說,他喜歡引用「微型」這概念:從細小體積捕捉物件的精髓,並利用建築的精隨,對結構與細節的構造加以詮釋。其作品曾於香港、英國、美國及澳洲的藝術空間展出。他的畢業作品獲得香港浸會大學視覺藝術院視覺藝術創作獎及Gaffa首飾獎。
Selected Joint Exhibitions
Fine Art Asia 2021 - Grotto Fine Art
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2021 - Grotto Fine Art
From Rubbles to Wonders by AU-YEUNG Chun and TAM Tak-hei - Grotto Central
Fine Art Asia 2020 - Grotto Fine Art