Grotto Fine Art at Ink Asia 2023
Booth H8
Hall 3, HKCEC
Oct 5 - 8, 2022 / VIP Preview Oct 4

YAU Wing-fung 邱榮豐


傳統或當代是一種帶有前設或偏頗的想法。它並非意味 著過去與新舊,而是一種持續進行的態度。傳遞者與受眾同時創造著一種文化意識及形態,這往往超越了時間與空間的限制。就如”Meta-”系列的作品,既是整體又是獨立,甚或是無限的擴展, 我們不斷在往返的時空中找尋某種連結, 在結束與過去之間聯繫另一個開端。

Repetition is an objective and orderly process. It is not a repeat of the identical image, rather it mutates according to the changing sentiment. Repetition might appear one dimensional, but using the same space with a different outlook generates a totally different depiction. I want to express a subjective viewpoint from an objective depiction.

Within the struggle and contradiction I found my connection to the past, to tradition and the present. The concepts of tradition and contemporary are loaded with preconceptions and prejudice. They do not simply mean old or new, obsolete or popular. They are both an ever mutating process. Artist and audience together create a cultural ideology that transcends time and space. The “Meta” series is both a collective and individual expression. It can also be deemed an infinite expansion. By traversing different pictorial space I found my desired connection. At the end of one I encounter a new opening, leading me to another space.