CHAN Kwan-lok 陳鈞樂, Mountain Retreat 潛山圖, 2023, Ink on paper, 137 x 179 cm

CHAN Kwan-lok 陳鈞樂, Draft of Mountain Retreat 潛山稿 ,2023, Ink on paper, 15.5 x 23 cm

CHAN Kwan Lok 陳鈞樂, Causal Circle 造化, 2023, Ink and color on paper, 30 x 21 cm each (a set of two)

FONG Tsz-,leong, Argus 方梓亮, The Creeping Fog 匍匐的霧, 2023, Oil and pastel on canvas, 70 x 50 cm

FONG Tsz-leong, Argus 方梓亮, Deep Rest 憩息, 2023, Oil and pastel on linen, 100 x 160 cm
HUNG Fai 熊輝, Traces VI 痕 之六, 2023, Ink on paper, 193 x 180cm (diptych), 96.5 x 180cm each

HUNG Fai 熊輝, Traces IV, 2022, Ink on paper, 180 x 291cm (triptych), (180 x 96.5cm each panel)
LAM Yau-sum 林佑森, Dewflower 16, 2023, Mixed media,37 x 25 x 29 cm

LAM Yau-sum 林佑森, 銅林 Tung Lin, 2023, Copper Wire and Tin, 115(h) x 125 x 21.5 cm

CHAN Sui-ying, Zaffer 陳瑞瑩, Boundless 無垠, 2023, Ink, colour, gold leaf screen, 62.3 x 112.5 cm

SHUM Kwan-yi 沈君怡, Stuck Navigators 被困的領航員, Ink, colour and silver leaf on paper , 2022, 56 x 91 cm

SHUM Kwan-yi 沈君怡,Forbidden Exercise 被禁止的練習, 2022, Ink and colour on silk, Set of 2: 90 x 14 cm each

SHUM Kwan-yi 沈君怡, Here We Part 此地一為別 Ink, colour, silver and copper leaf on paper, A set of 3: 122 x 67.5 cm each, 2023

LEE Bovey 李寶怡, Collaboration with My Younger Self – Teacup, Ink, acrylic, collage, and photo transfer on cut lantern paper, 48 x 48 cm

LEE Bovey 李寶怡, Collaboration with My Younger Self – Makeup Tutorials, 2000/2023, Ink, acrylic, cosmetics, collage, and photo transfer on cut lantern paper, 48 x 48 cm

TAM Tak-hei 譚德熙, The Figmental Facade II, 2023, Stainless steel, acrylic, screws and nuts, magnets, 33.5 x 29 x 13 cm
WONG Yee-ki 黃綺琪, The Admonitions to Lollipopland Fight 3, 2023, Ink, color, crayon on paper, 48.5 x 90 cm
WONG Yee-ki 黃綺琪, The Admonitions to Lollipopland Fight 6, 2023, Ink, color, crayon on paper, 48.5 x 90 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Picnic, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, ink, wax on synthetic paper,

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Woman posing with pottery, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, ink, crayon on synthetic paper, 118 x 57.5 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Surrender, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, crayon on synthetic paper, 67 x 74 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Dive, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, crayon, ink on synthetic paper, 92 x 77 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Four grasses, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, ink, crayon on synthetic paper, 56 x 90.5 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Woman at the beach, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, wax, ink, crayon on synthetic paper, 70x65.5 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Female model, 2023, Acrylic, graphite on synthetic paper, 78 x 49 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒,The sleeping man on red blanket, 2023, Graphite, Acrylic, Crayon on synthetic paper, 43.5 x 59.7 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Uncle Mario, 2023, Acrylic, graphite on synthetic paper, 43 x 47 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Guest on the pond, 2023, Acrylic, graphite on synthetic paper, 80 x 35.5 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Grass in urn, 2023, Acrylic, graphite, crayon on synthetic paper, 31.5 x 32 cm

XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒, Woman and bird, 2023 , Acrylic, ink, crayon on synthetic paper, 39 x 27 cm

YAU Wing-fung 邱榮豐, Riding Mist XXIII, 2023, Ink and Color on paper, 175 x 175cm,

YIU Tung-wing, Wenda 姚冬穎, The Last Guardian 最後守護者, 2023, Ink on paper, 45 x 45 cm

WAI Pongyu 韋邦雨, A Rhythm of Landscape 50, 2023,Ink and color on paper,69 x 58 cm

LEE Chin-fai, Danny 李展輝, Between Mountains and Streams 山水之間, 2022, Stainless steel and ebony wood, 27 x 34 x 21 cm

Bosco LAW, Breathe Without Air, 2022, Ink on paper, 30 x 30 cm

Bosco LAW, Attach and Detach 聚與逝, Ink on paper, 130 x 60cm

WAI Pongyu 韋邦雨, A Rhythm of Landscape 51, 2023, Ink and color on paper, 69 x 58 cm

Bosco LAW, Attach and Detach 聚與逝, Ink on paper, 130 x 60cm

Seeing you off 目送, 2023, Acrylic on wood, 木板塑膠彩 121.92 x 30.5 cm
Grotto at Art Basel Hong Kong 2023
March 23 - 25, 2023 | Booth 1 B06
Private View: March 21(Tue) – 22(Wed)
Fair Dates: March 23 (Thur) - 25 (Sat)
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Hall 1), Booth 1 B06
Featuring Artists
CHAN Kwan-lok 陳鈞樂
CHAN Siu-ying, Zaffer 陳瑞瑩
CHOI Yuk-kuen, Bouie 蔡鈺娟
FONG Tsz-leong, Argus 方梓亮
HUNG Fai 熊輝
KOON Wai-bong 管偉邦
LAM Yau-sum 林佑森
LEE Bovey 李寶怡
LEE Chin-fai, Danny 李展輝
LING Pui-sze 凌佩詩
SHAM Debe 岑愷怡
SHUM Kwan-yi 沈君怡
TAM Tak-hei 譚德熙
WAI Pong-yu 韋邦雨
WONG Yee-ki 黃綺琪
XIE Chengxuan 謝承軒
YAU Wing-fung 邱榮豐
YIU Tung-wing, Wenda 姚冬穎