The Pledge, The Turn, and The Prestige
– A Magical Revelation
August 10 - 31, 2024

Grotto SKW - 2/f, East 17, No. 17 Main Street East, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Mon - Sat, 11 am - 6pm (closed on Sun and p.h.)


“Magic is all about structure, you’ve got to take the observer from the ordinary, to the extraordinary, to the astounding.” Richard Jay Potash (1946-2018)

Magician provides three parts in their trick. First comes The Pledge where something relatively ordinary is shown. Then The Turn generates surprise and wonder and often leaves the audience in a state of confusion or awe. The Prestige is the final part of the trick, where the magician provides a resolution that reveals the hidden secrets and unveils the true nature of the illusion.

The storytelling technique of "The Pledge, The Turn, and The Prestige" was regarded as fundamental of illusionist training. While the concept was introduced in the context of stage magic, the structure had been used by artists in their pursuit of narrative and expressive deliveries for many years.

Artists in the present exhibition all involve their works with an abstract composition or challenges the audience's understanding of reality. To make their images more impactful, they employ a structured approach that creates anticipation, surprise, and a satisfying revelation for the audience.

"The Pledge" represents the initial phase of the composition, where the artist establishes a baseline or introduces a seemingly ordinary object, figure, or space. This phase creates a sense of normalcy and sets the audience's expectations, often making them believe nothing extraordinary is happening.

"The Turn" is the pivotal moment in the work where something unexpected and extraordinary occurs. It involves a sudden change, disappearance, or transformation that challenges the audience's perception of reality. The Turn generates surprise and wonder and often leaves the audience in a state of confusion or awe.

"The Prestige" is the final stage of the artwork, where the artist provides a resolution or revelation that reveals the hidden meaning and unveils the true nature of the creative concept. It delivers a conclusion that ties everything together, leaving the audience amazed and generate their own revelations and opinions.

「魔術的精髓在於結構,你必須帶領觀眾從平凡走向非凡,再達至驚人。」——Richard Jay Potash(1946-2018)







Exhibiting Artists 藝術家:

Mindy Lui 雷恩兒
Bosco Law Ka Nam 羅家南
Bouie Choi 蔡鈺娟
Hung Fai 熊輝
Tam Tak-hei 譚德熙
Wai Pongyu 韋邦雨
Xie Chengxuan 謝承軒
Argus Fong Tsz-leong 方梓亮
Chan Kwan Lok 陳鈞樂
Au-yeung Chun 歐陽俊