Light and Traces – the Presence of Absence

September 14 – October 19, 2024

Opening Reception: September 14 (Sat), 2-6pm

Grotto SKW | 2/f, East 17, 17 Main Street East, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Monday - Saturday, 11am - 6pm (closed on Sundays and p.h.)


One of the most famous dancers of the early 1900s, Loïe Fuller created an extraordinary sensation in Paris with her manipulations of hundreds of yards of silk, swirling high above her and lit dramatically from below. Her work inspired artists such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Auguste Rodin, and Stéphane Mallarmé, and she embodied many of the decorative themes of Art Nouveau and emphasized the importance of light in expressing forms and movements.

The present exhibition Light & Traces places Fuller in the context of Chinese aesthetic culture and offers a compelling display of the interaction between light, ink marks and movement that includes paintings, sculpture and mixed media works.  Featuring the penetration of light onto the surface as well through the medium in translucent manner, artists place this dual element as indispensable and their interaction as the focus of their works.  This group exhibition adds significantly to today’s notion of the “Presence of Absence”, a nostalgic psychological awareness and longing for something physically lost but spiritually/emotionally lingers.    

Exhibiting Artists

Fiona WONG Lai-ching
Bovey LEE
LING Pui-sze
WAI Pongyu


Scarlett LEUNG Tsz-yung

20世紀初期最著名的舞蹈家之一,Loïe Fuller 在巴黎憑藉她操控數百碼絲綢的表演引起了極大的轟動。她將絲綢高高揮舞在空中,並從下方以戲劇性的燈光照亮。她的作品啟發了許多藝術家,如 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec、Auguste Rodin 和 Stéphane Mallarmé,她也體現了新藝術運動中的許多裝飾主題,並強調光線在表達形式與動態中的重要性。

是次展覽《光與痕跡》將 Fuller 放置於中國美學文化的背景中,展示光、墨跡與動態之間交織的迷人互動,展覽內容包括繪畫、雕塑及混合媒材作品。通過光線穿透表面及媒材的半透明特性,藝術家將這種雙重元素視為不可或缺,並將其互動作為作品的焦點。這次聯展大大豐富了當今「缺席的存在」這一概念,即對某些物理上已失去,但在精神或情感上依然留存的懷舊心理意識與渴望。

